North American Amagram Recognitions
From AmwayWiki
These are from Amagrams and most would have qualified in the year prior to publication. From 2001 onwards the recognitions are listed under the Quixtar Achieve Recognitions article.
[hide]- 1 1968 North American Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 9, Nos. 1-7,9-12)
- 2 1970 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 11, Nos. 1-7)
- 3 1971 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 12, No. 3)
- 4 1972 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 13, Nos. 6,8)
- 5 1973 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 14, Nos. 3,7,11,12)
- 6 1974 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 15, Nos. 2,4-6,9-12)
- 7 1975 Amagram Recognitions
- 8 1976 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 17, Nos. 1,11)
- 9 1977 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 18, Nos. 7,11)
- 10 1978 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 19, Nos. 1-12)
- 11 1979 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 20, Nos. 2-6,8; for Diamonds and above except those featured on some of these covers - marked with *)
- 12 1980 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 21, Nos. 5-8 for Diamonds and above except those featured on the cover of these Amagrams - marked with **)
- 13 1981 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1,3-6,8,11,12 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above except those featured on 9-12 covers)
- 14 1982 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-6,8,10 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above except those featured on 1-8 covers)
- 15 1983 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- 16 1984 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- 17 1985 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-3,5-12 for EDCs and above)
- 18 1986 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- 19 1987 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- 20 1988 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- 21 1989 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- 22 1990 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 8 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- 23 1991 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 8 for Diamonds, and 1-9,11,12 for EDCs and above except those on January cover)
- 24 1992 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-3,6-8 for EDCs and above)
- 25 1993 Amagram Recognitions
- 26 1994 Amagram Recognitions
- 27 1995 Amagram Recognitions
- 28 1996 Amagram Recognitions
- 29 1997 Amagram Recognitions
- 30 1998 Amagram Recognitions
- 31 1999 Amagram Recognitions
- 32 2000 Amagram Recognitions
1968 North American Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 9, Nos. 1-7,9-12)
Double Diamond
1970 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 11, Nos. 1-7)
Crown Direct
Double Diamond
- Beaird, Dallas & Betty
- Beaird, Wayne & Katherine
- Cook, Frank & Nelle
- Edwin, Johnny / Sper, Norman & Joyce
- Hendrickson, John & Pat
- Johnson, John & Mary Ann
- Jordan, Charles & Marion
- Lowe, Richard & Ann
- Owens, Dusty & Betty
- Strehli, Chuck & Jean
1971 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 12, No. 3)
Crown Direct
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
- Brown, Jerry & Mary
- Cook, Bob & Lorraine
- Davis, Dale & Jane
- Fontenot, James & Joyce
- Harter, Gus & Betty Jo
- Lee, Paul & Anita
- Newberry, John & Wanda
- Pederson, Joe & Mary
- Sarff, W.S. & Dorothy
1972 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 13, Nos. 6,8)
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
1973 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 14, Nos. 3,7,11,12)
Crown Direct
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
- Gaffey, Tom & Debbie/Gaffey, Vince & Alice, Savanna, Illinois
- Owens, Dusty & Betty
1974 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 15, Nos. 2,4-6,9-12)
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
1975 Amagram Recognitions
Crown Direct
Double Diamond
- Andres, Bob & Judy
- Chapdelaine, Michel & Cecile
- Coleman, Willis & Vede
- Cooper, June
- Fields, George & Gloria
- Javelin, Peter & Penny (Australia)
1976 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 17, Nos. 1,11)
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
- Beecher, Dennis & Kay
- Britt, Bill & Peggy
- Chapdelaine, Michel & Cecile
- Herrera, Gerry & Maresa (Puerto Rico)
- Javelin, Peter & Penny (Australia)
- Kendall, Dave & Carol
- Vest, Bob & Linda
- Anctil, Marius & Margot
- Bourasseau, Tito & Gloria
- Culkins, Larry & Jan
- Deaton, Pam & Dorsey
- Douglas, Bryce & Ruth (Australia)
- Victor, Jody & Linda
- Villani, John & Barbara
1977 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 18, Nos. 7,11)
Crown Ambassador
Triple Diamond
- Beaird, Wayne & Kay
- Blanchard, Andre & Francoise
- Kendall, Dave & Carol
- Richards, Bob & Joan / Beaird, Wayne & Kay
Double Diamond
- Behnke, Mel & Bea
- Brello, Bob & Loretta
- Claypool, Lloyd & Donna
- Comyns, David & Nadia - New South Wales, Australia
- Crisp, Bob & Jo
- Delisle, Dennis & Sharon
- Echols, Robert & Margaret Ann
- Gilewicz, Hank & Alicia
- Hale, Ron & Toby
- Hanson, Tom & Debbie
- Hicks, Jerry & Trish
- Hughes, Roland & Molly
- Kaufmann, Pat & Betty
- Ledbetter, Curtis & Virginia
- Reasons, Gary & Diane
- Renfrow, Rex & Betty Jo
- Schaubert, Bob & Keithel
- Schieck, Stan & Marg
- Setzer, Fred & Pat
- Sousa, Wally & Joanne
- Storer, Ray & Betty
- Tobey, Robert & Marilyn
- Waters, Lee & Barbara
- Webb, Jerry & Sharyn
- Wilkie, Dick & Mary Lois
- Witter, Paul & Evalyn
1978 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 19, Nos. 1-12)
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
1979 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 20, Nos. 2-6,8; for Diamonds and above except those featured on some of these covers - marked with *)
Crown Ambassador
Crown Direct
- Bourasseau, Tito & Gloria*
- Dutt, Jere & Eileen / Dutt, Jody & Gina
- Evans, Stan & Ruth*
- Hicks, Jerry & Trish*
- Kendall, Dave & Carol
- McCoy, John & Gareth / Burchfield, Mitchel & Jan
- Ossinger, Dick & Dee
- Strehli, Chuck & Jean*
Triple Diamond
- Buttrick, Wally & Bonnie
- Brown, Gerry & Mary
- Hendrickson, John & Pat
- Herrera, Gerry & Maresa
- McCoy, John & Gareth / Burchfield, Mitchel & Jan
- Morse, Vern & Judy
- Williams, Alan & Pat
Double Diamond
- Argante,Terry & Judy
- Belknap, Keith & Jimmie Lee
- Brown, Gerry & Mary
- Buttrick, Wally & Bonnie
- Delisle, Dennis & Sharon
- Delisle, Frank jr & Barbara
- Huebner, Helen
- Kamstra, Mel & Shirley
- Laing, Bill & Joan
- Newberry, John & Wanda
- Schaubert, Bob & Keithel
- Sousa, Wally & Joanne
- Stokes, Ron & Dinah
- Tobey, Robb & Marilyn
- Trozera, Tom & Joy
- Vaughan, John & Pat
- Waters, Lee & Barb
- Wilkie, Dick & Mary Lois
- Williams, Alan & Pat
- Witter, Paul & Evalyn
- Alen, Chuck & Jean Van
- Aultman, Donald & Winona
- Becker, Jack & Carolyn
- Bedard, Joe & Isabel
- Belknap, Keith & Jimmie Lee
- Besser, Lee & Jane
- Bower, Verl & Janet
- Brannon, Don & Ladonna
- Brookes, Jim & Betty Jean
- Bolin, Bob & Irene
- Chaney, Bill & Josey
- Dietrich, Harry & Ilda
- Ferlita, Joe & Mimi
- Gibson, Elmer & Martha
- Gooch, Hal & Suzan
- Jones, H.R. & Undine
- Luce, Jack & Billye
- MacKey, Carl & Sue
- Martin, Wayne & Carol
- Mas, Joe & France (France)
- Nelsen, Theron & Darlene
- Orr, Coleman & Charlotte
- Patterson, H.D. & Dorothy
- Renard, Tony & Sue
- Rubin, Bob
- Rudd, George & Shirley
- Santiago, David & Pura
- Seolas, Keith & Marilyn
- Stevens, Steve & Pat
- Stokes, Ron & Dinah
- Wolter, Chuck & Mary Lou / Lathrop, Ralph & Dessa
1980 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: Vol. 21, Nos. 5-8 for Diamonds and above except those featured on the cover of these Amagrams - marked with **)
Crown Ambassador
- Beaird, Dallas & Betty
- Marks, Dick & Bunny*
- McCoy, John & Gareth / Burchfield, Mitchel & Jan**
- Strehli, Chuck & Jean
- Webb, Jerry & Sharyn
* this was the second recognition of Markses as Crown Ambassadors due to a change of qualification criteria for a Crown Ambassador pin; they were the first to qualify for this pin both in 1977 (old criteria) and in 1980 (new criteria)
Crown Direct
- Andrews, Bob & Terry
- Blanchard, Andre & Francoise
- Dornan, Jim & Nancy**
- Hedgpeth, Grant & Marcella**
- Vaughan, Howard & Faye**
- Victor, Joe & Helyne / Victor, Ron & Karol
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
- Doan, Bob & Jody
- Funk, Jake & Helen
- Gerimonte, Tony & Marge
- Halsey, George & Ruth
- Jarrett, Jerry & Cherri
- King, Jim & Mary
- Matz, Pete & Barbara
- Shaw, Jerrel & Kay
- Alkazin, Tom
- Boggess, Howard & Betty
- Boggus, Jerry & Peggy
- Bryant, Bill & Elwanda
- Cavuto, Carmen & Sally
- Chase, Chuck & Judy
- Chruma, Dwight & Rosalie
- Cooper, Ben & Pamela
- Doan, Bob & Jody
- Dodd, Doyce & Nadine
- Dumler, Mac & Brenda
- Dziuk, Dick & Monique
- Florence, Bill & Peggy
- Funk, Jake & Helen
- Gerimonte, Tony & Marge
- Giangregorio, Tony & Terry
- Glass, Tony & Luise
- Graff, Glenn & Hilda
- Gulick, Bert & Terri
- Hardy, Terral & Margaret
- Harrison, Raymond
- Hart, Tom & Lucy
- Hickok, Don & Sharon
- King, Jim & Mary
- Lamb, John & Evelyn
- Land, Barry & Carol
- Marcina, Laurette / Brodeur, Paulin & Pierrette
- Mc Kinney, Bob & Mary
- Moss, Bob & Roberta
- Perkins, John & Karen
- Prestage, Jack & Lynne
- Reid, Jack & Effie
- Rivera, Rene & Midge
- Roy, Roddy & Annie
- Rudisill, Gary & Bernice
- Rupe, Darrel & Delaine
- Schroeder, Dennis & Freddie
- Shaw, Jerrell & Kay
- Sommers, Jim & Carolyn
- Stam, Neil & Bobbie
- Stouffer, Nancy & Sipe
- Ward, Jim & Juaniece
- Wendt, Forrest & Betsy
- Yost, Dick & Dorrene
- Zampa, Hank & Carol
1981 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1,3-6,8,11,12 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above except those featured on 9-12 covers)
Crown Ambassador
- Baker, Charlie & Joan
- Baron, Bob & Laura
- Bates, Tom & Norma
- Brown, Eric & Betty
- Daughery, Jack & Rita
- Denton, Bob & Cece
- Drake, Jim & Rusty
- Fraumann, Bob & Jan
- Gerloff, Don & Margaret
- Hamilton, Al & Fran
- Hangebrauck, John & Carol
- Hathaway, Larry & Bobbie
- Jones, Jim & Julie
- Kutsch, Gene & Normita
- Leavitt, Craig & Joanne
- Palu-Ay, Pete & Edith
- Peat, Ross & Judy
- Pribble, Earl & Bonnie
- Reeves, Floyd & Frankie Lou
- Richey, Don & Mary
- Schiess, Ron & Ruth
- Shaw, Scott & Lynne
- Tobias, Dewey & Kay
- Zunker, Lane & Nancy
1982 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-6,8,10 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above except those featured on 1-8 covers)
Crown Ambassador
- Schmidt, Bob & Joyce
- Schwarz, Max & Marianne - West Germany
- Burke & Noncrief, Morgan & Mailyn
- Chelovich, Pete & Cindy
- Covington, Rocky
- De Vault, Walter & Rebecca
- DeRamos, Pete & Joyce
- Gamson, Ian & Nancy
- Hinton, H.L. & Sue
- Jenkins, John & Sally
- Johnson, Herb & Jean
- Miller, Ken & Sue
- White, Ken & Pam
- Williams, Bill & Diane
1983 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- Arthington, Larry & Sue
- Autry, Ralph & Betty
- Blank, Jeff & Sugar
- Blumberg, Cliff & Judi
- Bortz, Frank & Edna Jo
- Bryan, Tim & Sherri
- Bridges, Ken & Jocelyn
- Brown, Kelly & Jan
- Cariker, Tom & Jean
- Cofer, Colin & Becky
- DeYong, John & Jan
- Diamond, Mark & Phyllis
- Eggers, Dave & Jo
- Ellis, David & Sandra
- Fina, Jeff & Elecia
- Griffin, Len & Beatrix
- Griffing, Joel & Ardith
- Groves, Tom & Sharon
- Haas, Sandy & Henry
- Hackett, Bill & Dana
- Hanford, Gordon & Diane
- Harris, David & Susan
- Harris, Horrace & Carol
- Hawkes, Darrell & Peggy
- Hedecock, Greg & Dianne
- Henning, Pete & Thalia
- Holiday, Craig & Carole
- Isham, Don & Connie
- Jagger, Tom & Joyce
- Jones, Charles & Madeline
- Jones, John & Lennie
- Keranen, Al & Jan
- King, Don & Hannah
- Lawson, Robert & Sara
- McConnell, Brian & Judy
- Mckann, Robert & Betty
- Minaudo, John & Maureen
- Minter, Cliff & Kathy
- Nash, Bill & Kim
- Ransdell, Wayne & Becky
- Rindler, Dave & Sharon
- Robinson, Dan & Jeanette
- Rogers, Bill & Harriet
- Schulenberg, Roger & Judy
- Spencer, Jack & Magee
- Stewart, Ken & Donna
- Stockwell, Brent & Kitty
- Strahan, Bruce & Billie Jean
- Valk, Dennis & Cheryl
- Wead, Doug & Gloria
- Wetenskow, Ken & Joan
- Wiese, Merritt & Beth
- Wright, Richard & Sherry
- Yaffee, Barry & Susan / Chmar, Bill & Ellen
- Youg, Jim & Catherine
1984 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- Barone, Bernie & Lucia
- Bell, Dan & Mary
- Berland, Vince & Laurita
- Biegert, Brad & Cheryl
- Bluin, Simon & Elaine
- Carey, Philip & Jean
- Cohen, Ulises & Ingrid
- Courtney, Ed & Charlotte
- Floor, Jim & Margaret
- Griscom, Jay & Juanita
- Head, Jimmy & Judy
- Marta, John & Pam
- McDonald, Larry & Ce Ce
- McElroy, Jimmy & Jan
- Moorman, Meredith & Myrna
- Taylor, Terry & Lorri
- Tenerovich, Frank & Mariln
- Van Der Lee, George & Mylene
1985 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-3,5-12 for EDCs and above)
- Craven, Ken & Gail
- Duncan, Greg & Lauire
- Herosian, Brian & Deidre
- Herren, John & Maria
- Holpp, Fred & Madelon
- Johnson, Marshall & Sherunda
- Little, Monte & Debbie
- O'Brien, Bill & Leslie
- Thrive, Bob & Judy
1986 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
1987 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- Czubryt, Joe & Carol
- Foley, Tim & Connie
- Jorge, Art & Myrna
- Mikolas, Lorraine & Frank
- Sestina, John & Bobbi
- Sprencz, Paul & Linda
- Strong, Gator & Connie
- Taba, Toshi & Bea
1988 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- Day, Mark & Sandy
- Gallo, Al & Kathy
- Haugen, Randy & Valorie
- Humphrey, David & Rosemary
- Krezan, Bill & Mary Ann
- Lewis, David & Marjorie
- Moore, Jeff & Andrea
- Rea, Carrol & Norma
- Rummel, Ron & Melanie
- Sitcler, Roger & Gayle
- Stokes, Ken & Gail
- Williams, Ken & Nicky
- Woodhead, Terry & Fran
1989 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- Anderson, Verb & Connie
- Brollier, Jim & Linda
- Broome, Clarke & Diana
- Camello, Mariano & Lucia
- Carrillo, Louie & Kathy
- Fish, Tedd & Naomi
- Fix, Roger & Joyce
- Flores, Manuel & Roberta
- Galvez, Rey & Del
- Hart, Brig & Lita
- Kelly, Bill & Nancy
- Krazit, Charlie & Dale
- Lamazor, Glen & Sheryl
- Ledbetter, Lennon & Suzanne
- Lewis, Dave & Merge
- Lovett, David & Bethanne
- Marin, Carlos & Carmen
- Peintner, George & Melody
- Robbins, Kelly & Connie
- Sims, John & Barbara
- Ton & Phan, Hai & Lihn
1990 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 8 for Diamonds, and 1-12 for EDCs and above)
- Bellacera, Jim & Denise
- Bryson, O.J.
- Carlton, Jeff & Marcia
- Clough, Clive & Paulette
- DiSalvatore, Colombo & Karen
- Duncan, Brad & Julie
- Dunlap, Nolan & Hulda
- Foglio, Joe & Norma
- Goscienski, Phil & Pat
- Griffithses, John & Janet
- Kizirian, Norm & Pam
- Knickman, Ed & Rose
- McEachern, Linda & Dennis
- Pawlak, Jack & Jane
- Pratt, Bubba & Sandy
- Schmitz, Charlie & Kim
- Tower, Tim & Bonnie
- Wells, Bob & Betty
- Wilson, Don & Nancy
1991 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 8 for Diamonds, and 1-9,11,12 for EDCs and above except those on January cover)
Triple Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Alfrey, Steve & Loretta
- Anderson, Bruce & Wendy
- Barber, Jerry & Deanna
- Carduff, Jack & Jan
- D'Amico, Angelo & Cindy
- Dreyer, Bruce & Rita
- Duncan, David & Darlene
- Eckman, Howard & Janet
- Evans, Randy & Marsha
- Holland, Scott & Terri
- Howard, Bob & Bonnie
- Howard, Greg & Pat
- Huffer, Jerry & Kay
- Keim, Ken & Kim
- Kline, Tim & Cindy
- Libby, Tyler & Debbie
- McAnarney, Jim & Marcia
- McCracken, Larry & Patti
- McEwen, Terry & Yvonne
- Merris, John & Cathy
- Nealis, Jim & Arlene
- Vanni, David & Mickie
- Woods, Steve & Annette
- Yamaguchi, Tomoko & Nobuhiko
1992 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-3,6-8 for EDCs and above)
Crown Ambassador
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Alcott, Rod & Penny
- Batista, Cathy & Richard
- Betterman, Gerry
- Boettcher, Dan & Martha
- Britt, Bob & Mitzi
- Cherest, Judy & Chris
- Cowart, Wade & April
- Crawford, Mark & Tami
- Dunn, Jimmy & Sue
- Durso, Charlie & Ann
- Felix, John & Julie
- Glascock, Randy & Corinne
- Grabill, Parker & Cindy
- Harper, Tommy & Lesia
- Jahnke, Greg & Cathy
- LeBlanc, Al & Helen
- Lizardi, Pedro & Patsy
- Maxwell, Rick & Eve
- Mazzeo, Frank & Joan
- Middleton, Mark & Patty
- Morales, Frank & Barbara
- Olynyk, Nick & Julie
- Owen, Elwyn & Dottie
- Simmons, Wade & Teri
- Stanley, Steve & Sharon
- Usher, Merlyn & Ann
- Winters, Larry & Pam
- Yuen, Dan & Sandy
1993 Amagram Recognitions
Crown Direct
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Hawkins, Bill & Sandy
- Howard, Bob & Bonnie
- Sestina, John & Bobbi
- Hart, Brig & Lita
- Humphrey, David
- Marin, Carlos & Carmen
- Minter, Cliff & Kathy
- Moore, Jeff & Andrea
- Nardone, Angelo & Claudia
- Wilson, Don & Nancy
- Baker, Glen & Joya
- Bergfeld, Bill & Lisa
- Bumstead, Steve & Candi
- Covino, Bob & Sue
- Dobbrastine, Cliff & Cheryl
- Douglas, Marshall & Diana
- Doyle, Brad & Vera
- Ence, Russ & Lisa
- Fersobe, Antonio & Rosa
- Goldman, Ron & Diane
- Harstad, Jim & Julie
- Hayes, Jim & Barbara
- Hechavarria, Juventino & Carmen
- Herlacher, Vic & Ann Marie
- Hsieh, Jim & Lisa
- Hullender, David & Melissa
- Kunze, Frank & Trudy
- Law, Jim & Kelly
- Mace, Chuck & Cindy
- Marble, Bernie & Kathie
- Melillo, Raymond & Joanne
- Miller, Richard & Sandra
- Payne, Dick & Janet
- Plauck, Dennis & Lori
- Richardson, Jim & Tricia
- Shores, David & Debbie
- Singleton, Michael
- Smith, Gary & Anna
- Snipes, Dan & Renate
- Storms, Don & Ruth
- Terhune, John & Pat
- Timko, David & Mary
- Wolgamott, Brad & Leslie
- Yohey, Kenton & Andrea
1994 Amagram Recognitions
Crown Direct
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Covington, Rocky
- Gulick, Bert & Terri
- Rea, Carrol & Norma
- Sitcler, Roger & Gayle
- Renfrow, Rex & Betty Jo
- Snipes, Danny & Renate
- Strong, Gator & Connie
- Allen, Kent & Jackie
- Ansley, Darel & Kathleen
- Ashlock, Don & Jan
- Ashlock, Tom & Judy
- Bradshaw, Charles & Martha
- Carroll, Mike & Robin
- Cheng, Chosen & Mely
- Collinsworth, Mike & Gayle
- Combden, Casey & Cathy
- Gardner, Steve & Elaine
- Gordon, Gary & Linda
- Gurley, John & Robin
- Haagen, John & Susan
- Harimoto, Scott & Cris
- Hellinghausen, Marc & Shelli
- Jones, Steve & Laurie
- Joye, Barry & Luronda
- Kerr, Bill & Janice
- Libby, Gary
- Manzi, Jerry & Sandra
- Markiewicz, Joe & Marybeth
- Martinez, Galindo & Carmen
- Morgan, Richard & Marilynn
- Parks, Bryan & Roxanne
- Radford, Frank & Sheilagh
- Ridley, Steve & Julie
- Rodriguez, Joe & Maria
- Schneider, Gary & Nana
- Sears, Randy & Sandy
- Smith, Denny & Kelly
- Smith, Lance & Tracey
- Terrell, Rob & Stephanie
- Tsuruda, Matt & Sandra
- Turner, Spike & Sue
- Valerio, Runzie & Jean
- Wallentine, Glen & Linda
- Weintraub, Steven & Sidney
- Woods, Michael & Michi
- Wulfenstein, Steve & Cathy
- Zecher, Frank & Dawana
1995 Amagram Recognitions
Triple Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Florence, Bill & Peggy
- Foglio, Joe & Norma
- Kaufmann, Pat & Betty
- Kline, Tim & Cindy
- Martinez, Galindo & Carmen
- Melillo, Ray & Joanne
- McEwen, Terry & Yvonne
- Michael, Scott & M.J.
- Pratt, Bubba & Sandy
- Taba, Toshi & Bea
- Yuen, Dan & Sandy
- Argyris, Andy & Nadia
- Bishop, Craig & Denise
- Blanshan, Dar & Angie
- Bulette, Keiji & Jean
- Ciprian, Mario & Adria
- Cooper, Tom & Connie
- Dealing, David & Vickie
- Emery, Jerrel & Leslie
- Ferraez, Steve & Angela
- Gilmour, Greg & Kathy
- Hansen, Tom & Lorre
- Harris, Miyoko
- Hettema, Steve & Tonya
- Hutson, Dave & Jude
- Im, Steve & Shanna
- James, Ben & Margaret
- Jao, Rod & Rowena
- Jaramillo, Randy & Carol
- Koning, Larry & Julie
- Lambson, Sherrill & Kathy
- Leazer, Art & Bonnie
- Leets, Tim & Lisa
- Long, Dennis & Connie
- Lucks, Steve & Julie
- Mclennan, Jack & Sharon
- Mercon, Jim & Joyce
- Morin, Patrick & Kate
- Myers, John & Jodi
- Pare, Jim & Susan
- Park, Seon Do & Myung Hyun
- Sanchez, Mario & Gregoria
- Somers, Doug & Wendy
- Strom, Terry & Jody
- Tsuruda, Theresa
- Walker, Randy & Susan
- Whims, Mike & Jane
1996 Amagram Recognitions
Crown Ambassador
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Baker, Glen & Joya
- Douglas, Marshall & Diana
- Durso, Charlie & Ann
- Elliott, Jim & Sharon
- Graff, Glenn & Hilda
- Ledbetter, Lennon & Suzanne
- Marta, John & Pam
- Alexander, Gregg & Cindy
- Andrews, Andy & Polly
- Beecher, Dennis & Kay
- Berman, Don & Janice
- Brown, Ron & Lily
- Burns, Jim & Karen
- Coniguliaro, Dominick & Pat
- Danzik, Howie & Susan
- Davis, Fred & Dottie
- Dendy, Joe & Linda
- Diaz, Roque & Nelly
- Distaulo, Michael & Mary
- Gala, Kanti & Lata
- Golden, Eric & Denise
- Golden, Hal & Ann
- Griesbach, Rick & Diane
- Grove, Barry & Pat
- Guldberg, Jim & Pattie
- Harles, Gerry & Judy
- Harn, Myunghark & Janet
- Hughes, Mark & Martha
- Jakubik, Mike & Lynn
- Johnson, Greg & Lin
- Kennemer, Donnie & Lavita
- Kiefert, Hank & Karla
- Kim, Seung Ho & Hyunja
- King, Roy & Sally
- Kremer, Arnie & Jan
- Leininger, Alan & Michele
- Leno, Nick & Estelle
- Lockwood, Keith & Yanny
- Lorencz, Don & Allie
- MacDonald, Patrick & Suzanne
- Marshall, Rick & Bonnie
- Miller, Ken & Linda
- Morales, Tony & Wilda
- Newball, Hal & Esther
- Newton, Bill & Jann
- Olszewski, Waldemar & Jagoda
- Orstad, Chuck & Kjia
- Pipkin, Kerry & Annette
- Pultman, Andrew & Miriam
- Rek, Zbigniew & Sophia
- Rivera, Al & Lourdes
- Safille, Eduardo & Lori
- Sarkela, Steve & Heidi
- Shah, Raj & Sangita
- Shivaramakrishnan, Kumar & Anjali
- Short, Bo & Sandy
- Smith, Gary & Nan
- Sorrels, Frank & Jan
- Strobl, Setsuko Sue
- Taras, Jacek & Ewa
- Vogt, Chuck & Linda
- Zabala, Pablo Jimenez & Carmen
1997 Amagram Recognitions
Crown Ambassador
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Combden, Casey & Cathy
- Mace, Chuck & Cindy
- Merris, John & Cathy
- Storms, Don & Ruth
- Wolgamott, Brad & Leslie
- Weintraub, Steven & Sydney
- Becker, Ted & Michelle
- Bryniawsky, George & Marian
- Burns, Chuck & Roxi
- Colas, Alcimon & Marie-Chantale
- Faught, Steve & Shauna
- Grippo, Bill & Kris
- Hong, Joe & Jesse
- Huffstetler, John
- Hummel, Jeff & Alisa
- Hyung Suk & Hyun Ai Hah
- Israel, Jeff & Pam
- Joachim, Tom & Estelle
- Johnson, Ed & Yvonne
- Kim, Eugene & Sarah
- Lach, Piotr & Beata
- Loupelle, Craig & Kara
- Lowary, Gary & Dorothy
- Matos, Johnny & Paula
- Matthews, Rick & Mary Jane
- Mitts, David & Lisa
- Primsky, John & Sue
- Rainsberger, Todd & Brenda
- Reardon, Carl & Marsha Kay
- Reddy, Manipal & Renuka
- Redmond, Tom & Jackie
- Riley, Larry & Linda
- Shannon, Rob & Olivia
- Shaw, Joe & Doris *rescinded due to fraud
- SooTim, Leo & Yasmin
- Toups, Doug & Nancy
- Vicinanza, Edward & Elise
- Weintraub, Seth & Sharon
1998 Amagram Recognitions
45 FAA Credits
Crown Ambassador
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Buttrick, Wally & Norma
- Seung Ho, Hyun Ja, & Jae Kim Kim, Seung Ho & Hyun Ja
- Markiewicz, Joe & Marybeth
- Park, Seon Do & Myung Hyun
- Shaw, Joe & Doris*rescinded due to fraud
- Areces, Ramiro & Barbara
- Arunasalam, Velauther & Thilakawathy
- Attalah, Samir & Theresa
- Bybee, Steve & Caroll
- Callender, Wayne & Suzanne
- Carbonaro, Nick & Sally
- Cassens, Doug & Julie
- Deimler, Brett & Fran
- DuBose, Bob & Jeannine
- Fabregas, Fernando & Rose
- Galvin, Bill & Amy
- Goetschel, Chuck & Colleen
- Hall, John & Teri
- Hineno, Hirokuni
- Hudson, Thomas & Tammy
- Johnson, Steve & Cindy
- Lieber, Doug & Linda
- Morton, Dane & Nancy
- Moy, Philip & Lisa
- Proctor, Jack & Lise
- Szajna, Janusz & Irena
- Upchurch, Stuart & Edith
- Yap, Winnie
1999 Amagram Recognitions
50 FAA Credits
FAA Personal Perks (25+ FAA)
Triple Diamond
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Allen, Don & Jeanne
- Bedard, Dave & Linda
- DeHaven, Brad & Kim
- Desai, Kulin & Mina
- Hernandez, Pedrito & Elsie
- Newmayer, Bob & Tamie
2000 Amagram Recognitions
Double Diamond
Executive Diamond
- Crawford, Mark & Tami
- Gala, Kanti & Lanta
- Kizirian, Norm & Pam
- Lizardi, Pedro & Patsy
- Woods, Mike & Michi