Amway Malaysia

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Amway Malaysia
Local Name: Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad
Launch: March 1976
Est. # IBOs: 195,000 (2008)
Est. Sales: 645,458,000 MYR (2008)
Est. population: unknown



Amway Malaysia

Beginning with just five employees, in a small office and warehouse facility in Jalan Ipoh in 1976, Amway Malaysia was one of the pioneers in the direct selling industry at that time.

Today, Amway Malaysia is the leading direct selling company in Malaysia with a core distributor force of 176,800 from all corners of the nation and a sales turnover of RM724 million for the 16-month period from 1 September 2005 to 31 December 2006, making Amway a household name in Malaysia.

Sales Data

Known Sales Data
Year Wholesale Sales (RM'000) # of distributors
1993 158,000 56,000
1994 201,000 67,000
1995 242,000 79,000
1996 281,000 95,000
1997 342,000 115,000
1998 351,867 123,000
1999 314,877 137,000
2000 355,291 150,000
2001 381,744 159,000
2002 387,129 157,000
2003 422,297 158,000
2004 456,350 161,000
2005 507,030 165,000
2006 723,660* 177,000*
2007 584,251 188,000
2008 645,458 195,000
  • Results for 12-month period from 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006


Founders Crown Ambassador

Lee Kim Soon & Kwee Choo, Founders Crown Ambassador (2005)

Crown Ambassador

Foo Howe Kean & Shu Chen, Crown Ambassador (2006)
Chan Koon Tin & Chai Foong, Crown Ambassador (2005)
Sonny & Guat Hwa Ho, Crown Ambassador (2003)
Khoo Chong Kok & Chai Choo, Crown Ambassador (2003)
Chan Lee Sean, Crown Ambassador (2002)
Lee, Peter & Choi Kit, Crown Ambassador (1996)


Lee Yin Chuan & Gek Hong {2006}

Founders Triple Diamond

Wong Siew Fang & Celia (2008)

Triple Diamond

De Silva, Gerald & Angela {2002}
Lim, Steven & Lee, Angeline {2007}
Koh, Jordan & Soo Hwen {2008}

Founders Double Diamond

Ng Thong Kok, Ricky {2006}

Double Diamond

Anisah & Hamid
Catherine Pua & Ng Yoke Kuan {2008}
Sing, Hii Siew & Chiong, Lu Tung
Tajuin & Nun {1998}
Johnny & Vivian Ooi {2008}
Manirajan & Vanita

Founders Executive Diamond

M K Kong {2004}
Tan Kim Hoe & Jit Wah {2006}

Executive Diamond

M Sivagnanam & Santhi Dewi Chellaiah {2006}
Tamilselvi & Chellaiah {2007}
P W & Amy Chew {2006}
Gan Hwa Seng & Lee Mooi {2006}
Wong Kam Waing & Cindy Tiong{2005}
Alvin Tham Wai Kim {2008}
Ng Tiam Ming & Lau Meng Huey
Chong Soong Yew & Sui Fong {1994}
Chiam Tau Lee & Beng Ewe {2008}
Yip Kam Tim & Yoke Kit {2007}
Abel Iskandar & Roshni Aziz {2008}
Fathiah Shamsuddin & Zulkifli Talib {2008}

Founders Diamond

B Mugunthan & Sarina Dewi Chellaiah {2006}
Liew Bon Yen & Siw Kiang {2006}
Cheong Kwee Fatt & Ng Kim Mooi
Robert Yap Kim Choo & Lily Yee
Ooi Hock Leong & Ng Sai Lim {2005}
Kenny Chin {2004}
Abdul Aziz & Saleha {2008}
Loh Foh Min & Tan Bee Ching {2008}
Kun Fock & Soh Cheng Chan {2008}
Diana Choo (2002)


Ganason & Panja {2009}
Abdullah Nafiah & Mariam Omar {2009}
Lim Seng Kiow & Hui Kheng {2009}
Gondon Liew & Grace Wong {2009}
Vincent Loh & Gaik Hoon {2009}
Heng Soon Lip & Cheng Li May {2009}
Davin Tan & Ng Siek Nee {2009}
Lai Mun Siong & Hui Siew Lee {2009}
Thomas Kiew & Josephine Lau {2008}
Tan Keh Huat & Kim Hong {2008}
Dexter Khaw Tee Jin & Celine Goh See Lin {2008}
Liew Rik Foong & Kong Mun Yee {2008}
Daniel Liew & Candice
Man Cheong Meng & Poh Swan {2008}
J P Teo & Teresa Wong {2007}
Chia Koh Hin & Teresa Chai {2007}
Vincent & Rina Yong {2007}
Peter Fong & Jessica Ho {2007}
Tan Kok Seng & Lee Siay Deng {2007}
Wong Chong Seng & Lai Chan
Karthigesu & Sobhana
Kenny Lim & Wendy Wong {2006}
Chan Eng Hee & Wan Ling {2006}
Ang Seng Chai & Chong Foong Kiaw (2006}
Chieng Buong Hung & Ngwang Suok Hee {2006}
Noor Azmi & Siti Norizah
K L Lim & Shally Tan {2004}
Bruce Jee & Irene Ho {2004}
Tang Siew Ching & Tan Meng Yen
Edwin Teh & Lee Hoon {2004}
Ashokkumar & Theve Kumari
Simon Ong Cheng Sim & Siew Ping {2005}
Jee Ong & Tee Bee Ling {2004}
Chua Kok Boon & Alice Heng {2004}
Kenny Chok & Bih Huah {2003}
Ali Azman & Rohana
Ravi Anamalai
Ramachandran & Devaki
Ang Kee Leong & Chow Kue {1994}
Soon Yew Chye & Ken Kiaw {1997}
Johnny Huang {1996}
Lee Mun Yoong {1996}
Victor Leong & Fong Lin {1997}
Yong Fan Hwa & Chen Choo {1997}
Daniel Li & Syusan Li {1997}
Liew Fah Jin & Ching Ing {1997}
Kam Yew & Elsie Wong {1997}
Andrew Goh & Lina {1997}
Tong Lee Sai & Fui Ping {1997}
Raymond & Rita Kho {1996}
Young Yeong Leong & Siow Lan {1996}
Vasudevan & Pathmabathi {1997}
Hendroff, Alfred & Hamidah {1980}
Jasmin Kaur Deo (1998)
Liew Keang Yaip & Kim Hai (1995)
Ho Meng Kuang & Doris Lee (2003)
Chong Kim Fei & Ong Peik Chew
#not listed various local diamond

Distinctions and Accolades

KLSE Listing

In 1996, Amway Malaysia became the first ever direct selling company to be listed on the Main Board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Asia Money Recognitions

Amway Malaysia was recognised as one of the Top 10 Overall Best Managed Company in 2000 by Asia Money magazine.

In 2001, Amway Malaysia was honored once again for its corporate leadership by Asia Money magazine. The company made the top 10 list in these categories:

- Overall Best Managed Company in 2001 - rank #7 - Corporate Governance - rank #5 - Treatment of Minority Shareholders - rank #3 3-Year Direct Selling License

Amway Malaysia was the first direct selling company to be awarded a 3-year Direct Selling License by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (MDTCA) in 1997.

Amagram recognitions

These are Amagram recognitions - some qualifiers may have qualified in a year prior to publication.

2006 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1,3-12)

Executive Diamond

Gan Hwa Seng & Lee Mooi

2005 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 5,6,9-12)

Double Diamond

Lee Yin Chuan & Gek Hong

Executive Diamond

Wong Kam Waing & Cindy Tiong

Founders Diamond

Wong Kam Waing & Cindy Tiong


Simon Ong Cheng Sim & Siew Ping
Tang Siew Ching & Tan Meng Yen
Wong Kam Waing & Cindy Tiong
Bruce Jee & Irene Ho
K L Lim & Shally Tan
Ashokkumar & Theve Kumari
Edwin Teh & Lee Hoon

2004 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 3,7,12)

Crown Ambassador

Sonny & Guat Hwa Ho

Founders Triple Diamond

Chan Koon Tin & Chai Foong

Founders Executive Diamond

M K Kong {2004}

Executive Diamond

Ng Tiam Ming & Lau Meng Huey

Founders Diamond

Ng Tiam Ming & Lau Meng Huey
Chiam Tau Lee & Beng Ewe
Yip Kam Tin & Yoke Kit
Johnny & Vivian Ooi
Kenny Chin


Ho Meng Kuang & Doris Lee
Tan Kim Beng
Ali Azman & Rohana
P W & Amy Chew
Kenny Chok & Bih Huah
Chua Kok Boon & Alice Heng
Jee Ong & Tee Bee Ling
M Sivagnanam & Santhi Dewi Chellaiah

2003 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1,2,4,5,10-12)

Double Diamond

Siew Fang & Celia Wong

Founders Executive Diamond

Ricky Ng Thong Kok

Founders Diamond

Diana Choo

2002 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-10,12)

Crown Ambassador

Chan Lee Sean

2000 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 5-12)

no new Diamond or above recognized in the first four issues (January-April)

1999 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 3,4,9-11)

Triple Diamond

Lee Kim Soon & Kwee Choo

Executive Diamond

Tan Kim Hoe & Jit Wah


Tan Kim Hoe & Jit Wah
Kuang Hong Eng
Sam Choy Kuen & Bee Leng
Wong Hoi Kit & Nyok Moy
Chan Kun Fock & Soh Cheng
Ramachandran & Devaki
Ng Tiam Ming & Meng Huey
Zainab Ahmad & Mohd Salleh

1998 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1,7-9)

Double Diamond

Tajuin & Nun
Jordan & Soo Hwen Koh

Executive Diamond

Lee Yin Chuan & Gek Hong
Lee Ah Peng & Angeline Chee
Anisah & Hamid


Chong Fatt Ching & Ah Chen
Johnny Huang Siaw Seng & Yik Choo
Yip Kam Tim & Yoke Kit
Diana Choo
Mohd Aris Akib & Noraya Hamid
Loh Foh Min & Bee Ching
Jasmin Kaur Deo
Robert Yap Kim Choo & Lily Yee
Francis & Agnes Liew

1997 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 7,9,12)

Crown Ambassador

Peter Lee & Choi Kit


Peter Lee & Choi Kit

Triple Diamond

Sonny & Guat Hwa Ho

Double Diamond

Lee Kim Soon & Kwee Choo

Executive Diamond

Steven & Angeline Lim
Jordan & Soo Hwen Koh


Lee Mun Yoong
Victor Leong & Fong Lin
Yong Fan Hwa & Chen Choo
Daniel Li & Syusan Li
Liew Fah Jin & Ching Ing
Kam Yew & Elsie Wong
Andrew Goh & Lina
Tong Lee Sai & Fui Ping
Vasudevan & Pathmabathi

1996 Amagram Recognitions (missing issues: 1-9)

Triple Diamond

Chan Lee Sean

Executive Diamond

Tajuin & Nun


Raymond & Rita Kho
Young Yeong Leong & Siow Lan