Woods, Jan
Walt & Jan Woods | |
Pin: | Diamond |
Markets: | United States |
LOA: | |
LOS Upline: | |
Website: | http://www.clsinternational.net |
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When Jan and her husband, Walt, started their networking business around Thanksgiving, 1963, Jan never knew how much she would ultimately be thankful for. "Walt could dream big," Jan explained. "From the very first day he wanted to reach the highest level possible and make $30,000 a year - a lot of money in those days." But for Jan, the largest amount of money she could imagine was $1,000 a month, and that became her goal."
After our fourth full month in the business we netted $1,500," said Jan, still amazed at the success.
Jan laughs as she lovingly remembers the early years when Walt was alive. "He'd walk the streets shining shoes with a product called Shoe Glo. When someone asked if it would ruin their shoes, he told them he'd buy them a new pair of $50 shoes if it did. Of course, the shoes they had on probably didn't even cost $10."
Jan now lives in her lakeside home and explains it's all she ever wanted. Always concerned how she would live when she reached her golden years, Jan proudly comments that not only is her life taken care of, so is her grandchildren's. They will never wonder how they will pay for their education.
"If there's one thing I learned, it's that nothing ever just happens for you - You follow-up, you follow-up quickly, and you follow up often."