Macs Lim Wui Hin

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Macs Lim Wui Hin
Malaysia 2014 New Diamond Macs Lim.jpg
Pin: Diamond
Markets: Malaysia


LOS Upline: Lim, Steven & Lee, Angeline

The Opportunity to Build A Successful Life

I was still in school when I signed up as a Distributor in 1992. Back then I was not interested in the direct selling business. The way some of my classmates promoted their direct selling businesses also turned me off. The only thing I cared about was to do well in my studies, get a good job after graduation and realise my dreams. Thanks to my classmate, Jeremy Tan, who first introduced me to the AMWAY™ business. He shared this business opportunity with me after our reunion gathering. Apart from clearing my doubts about the direct selling business, he also impressed upon me the true value of AMWAY in comparison with other direct selling companies. I signed up without a moment’s hesitation.

It’s now been more than 20 years since I first became a Distributor. In all these years that I concentrated on building my business many people had asked me, “Is it really worth your effort?” I signed up in 1992 and just one year later, AMWAY invited me to my first overseas seminar and I bought my first house. Then more of my dreams came true. Hence, my answer to the above question is a firm, “Yes.” My sole income comes from AMWAY and yet this business is able give me financial independence and absolute freedom to pursue a successful life in all aspects.

Besides the various opportunities to travel to overseas seminars that widened my perspective, I also managed to fulfil one of my big dreams – I went back to my alma mater and pursued further studies purely for interest’s sake.

Furthermore, knowing that my organisation in Malaysia is on solid ground and having a reliable network of associates whom I can delegate work to also free me to grow my business internationally. Venturing out into the international market is truly an enriching experience.

Is it easy to succeed in AMWAY? I would recommend that you look at it from another point of view. Instead of measuring how easy or difficult the business-building process is, ask yourself this: Is it worth your effort? To me, regardless of which line of business you choose, the most challenging aspects are the production-related costs, management, logistics human resource, shop rental, furnishing, and storage. All these will take a chunk out of your investment. On the contrary, as a business partner of AMWAY, your responsibility is to focus on sales and marketing. This is many times easier than what you will need to deal with in a conventional business set-up. As long as you put in enough effort, your AMWAY business will grow and living an all-round successful life will no longer be a distant dream. It is in this respect that I find the AMWAY business most valuable.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my upline leaders Emerald Directs Yew Eng Hin John & Tan Huey Yi, Ng Soo Fatt, Founders Emerald Directs Wong Seow Kong & Yong Sooi Fong, Emerald Directs Lee Teck Lim & Sandy, and Crown Ambassadors Steven Lim & Angeline Lee. My heartfelt gratitude to them for their mentorship, guidance and love.

I couldn’t have achieved what I have today without them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart once again. Believe in yourself! I am confident you can make it too. My best wishes to you.

(Sources: Amway Malaysia's March 2014 AMAGRAM