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Launch: 1995
Leaders: David & April Humphrey
Countries: United States, Australia
Notes: none

ILD provides Professional Development Programs to Quixtar/Amway IBOs. This line of affiliation was formed by Double Diamonds Jack & Rita Daughery along with other Diamonds in the Daughery downline in 1995, after the group broke away from World Wide Group. ILD was known as Interlink in Australia and IDM in New Zealand, but no longer operates in those markets.


ILD is governed by a management team as well as a board of advisors, which is made up of Diamonds affiliated with the organization.[1]

Management Team

David Humphrey - President and Chief Executive Officer
April Humphrey - Vice President
Thomas Lerch - Chief Operations Officer
Jared Karstetter - Senior Corporate Counsel
Dominic Zamora - Chief Financial Advisor

Board of Advisors

Fred Davis
Jeff Israel
Arnie Kremer
Rick Mathews
Jack McLennan
Doug Somers

Jack Daughery founded and served as the first President of ILD, but has since stepped down.


Double Diamond

Daughery, Jack & Rita - 1995

Executive Diamond

Carseldine, Stu & Beth Australia
Humphrey, David & April
Moore, Jeff & Andrea



Bailey, Phil
Bennett, Brian
Cope, Kelvin & Marion
Cope, Peter & Marilyn
Hand, Ted & Sue & Rob
Lawrence & Irene Raymond
Walker, Janie
Watson, Alan & Jan

New Zealand

Jones, Paul & Jeanette
Patmoore, Murray & Vicki

United States

Ashlock, Don & Jan
Ashlock, Tom & Judy
Becker, Ted & Michelle
Berman, Don & Janice
Bulette, Keiji & Jean
Burns, Chuck & Roxi
Davis, Fred & Dottie
Holpp, Fred & Madelon
Israel, Jeff & Pam (1997)
Kiefert, Hank & Karla
Kremer, Arnie & Jan
Long, Dennis & Connie (1995)
Lockwood, Keith & Yanny
Matthews, Rick & Mary Jane
McLennan, Jack & Sharon
Marta, John & Pam
Smiley, Bob & Mary
Smith, Gary & Nan
Somers, Doug & Wendy
Sorrels, Frank & Jan
Whims, Mike & Jane


  1. ILD Global Leadership Overview
ILD Profiles Of Success