Dobler, Lora & Alexander

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Lora & Alexander Dobler
Laura and Alexander Dobler.jpg
Pin: Crown (2008)
Markets: Germany, Russia

Schwarz Organisation

LOS Upline: Schaaf, Rudolf & Helene

European Diamond Advisory Council






Double Diamond 2009



We come from the city of Tschirtschik, Uzbekistan and have been living in Germany since 1988. We left everything behind and came with two small children, a few suitcases, without speaking any German, but with the hope for a better life to Germany. We always dreamed of the freedom, of an own house, of traveling to other countries. But we realized pretty soon that with our past income we could forget our dreams. When the Amway business came to our life we saw our chance at once: self-employed, no capital expenditure, no risk, great products, by the principle: Help others and you help yourself. We said „Yes“ right away.

Today we are financially free and independent. We love our job. We have found a lot of friends, we travel a lot and spend a lot of time with our 3 children.

We know that there is an enormous potential for this business in Europe and we connect our future in first place with our goals in our business. After having reached our goals we will make our greatest dreams become true.

There is nothing better than being free. It is worth fighting for it.