Raja Naren & Anjali Tirumala

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Raja Naren & Anjali Tirumala
Pin: Executive Diamond
Markets: India


LOS Upline: Reddy, Manipal & Renuka
Website: http://www.brittindia.com
Notes:Youngest Diamond of India Age 23, Upline Founders Emerald Deepak & Shalini Choudhary from United States

Chronology of Achievements

Joined: July 2000
Silver: September 2001
Diamond: 2004
Founders Diamond: 2011
Executive Diamond: 2013

Success Story

Raja Naren & Anjali Tirumala (Engineer & Homemaker, Tirupati)

I proudly say that I come from a typical middle class family .My Dad is into Indian Administrative Services and my mom is a lecturer. My friend and neighbor Hemanth baptized me into the amazing combination of Direct Selling business & BWW in the year 2000 when I had come back to India from US to attend my sister’s marriage. From July 2001, onwards I started building the Direct Selling business with passion. I dedicate whatever I have achieved till now to the awesome Britt System. The number of lives that are better off because you lived measures how successful you are. My goal is to impact as many lives as possible through Britt System and make the world an exciting place to live in. My message is “Dream Big, Be Excited and Follow Your Mentor, You Will Be Blessed With The Riches Of The World.”

Downline Diamonds