Parimala & Hari Kumar

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Parimala & Hari Kumar Dharmagiri
Pin: Diamond
Markets: India


LOS Upline: Raja Naren & Anjali Tirumala

Parimala & Harikumar Dharmagiri (Post Graduate, Tirupati)

I have post-graduate qualifications, M.A., B.Ed. and have been working as a senior clerk in a quasi-Governmental organization for quite some time now.

Since my childhood, my elders had instilled in me that life is full of adjustments and compromises, and that one should not dream big. One day my sister’s son came to me with a business opportunity but I didn’t take any interest. I neglected the business for nearly 3 months because I didn’t think this business was meant for me, and I felt that I didn’t have the qualities necessary for doing this business. I entered this business only because I could not refuse to my sister’s son. Again, I attended an FED on 12th November 2000 just for his sake, but it changed the direction of my life forever. That was the beginning of my big dreams and I started building my business slowly but steadily. Right from the beginning I was plugged into the BWW system by my sister’s son, my upline mentor. Initially, even after following the system sincerely and putting in a lot of efforts, I was not getting any results. But after a year or so there was no looking back.

I am still doing this business part-time. It is through the BWW system that I learnt – ‘successful people have time for every thing while unsuccessful people have no time for anything’. Now, my life seems to be more meaningful because I am able to make a difference to many lives through this business.