It is unsurprising that Amway being such a large company, ($US5 billion + sales, 60 countries) and having been in existence for nearly 50 years, that there would be some controversies.
- TEAM vs Quixtar
Like any business there senior figures who disagree. This leads to at times senior pins quiting Amway, or Amway terminating senior pins for rules violations. The latest example of this is TEAM issue.
- DTI vs Amway UK
- Andra Pradesh Police vs Amway India
- TIF vs Quixtar
- Dateline NBC
- Internet Critics
- Sidney Schwartz
- Proctor & Gamble
Proctor and Gamble suing Haugen, Randy & Valorie, and other diamonds for spreading urban myth in 1995 that P & G were involved in satanic worship, see full blog comment. It would appear at this stage that the 12 year court battle would be over. And Randy and Haugen are no longer associated with the Amway business.
- Amway Korea
- Canadian Fraud Case
- Directly Speaking
- FTC vs Amway
1950's and before
- Nutrilite
The concept of Amway grew out of problems that occurred between the distributor organization of Nutrilite and the company that produced this product.
Ongoing controversies would include the tools business. The profit, if any, in the tools. And what proportion of larger pins income does the tools business make up. This debate on this issue was kick started by a memo in the early 1980's titled Directly Speaking, above. It continues today with with the business restructure in the Amway UK & ROI market.