Kakodkar, Neila & Sameer

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Neila & Sameer Kakodkar
Pin: Diamond
Markets: India


LOS Upline: Johnson, John & Mary Ann
Website: http://www.brittindia.com

Sameer & Neila Kakodkar (Pharma Business Owners, Goa)

We are both pharmacists and are married since 14 years. We are blessed with two lovely children Salonee (12 years) & Avneesh (8 years). The last 6 years has been very exciting for us because we have been working towards a common goal.

After being in the pharma wholesale business for seven years, Neila and I were looking for diversification, when we were introduced to the Amway Sales & Marketing Plan. Some of our "well wishers" did not approve of our decision to join the Amway business. Our commitment to the business grew when we attended a major function within three months of getting started. We traveled for 15 hours along with our children who were then 6 years and 18 months on an invitation from our upline leader whom we had never met. That was the turning point in our life. The positive association in the business helped us increase our self image. Earlier, we used to think that Amway attracted good people but what we now realize is that Amway brings out the best in the people. The combination of financial and spiritual growth that takes place in this business is not seen anywhere else in the world.

We love to travel and thanks to this business we have been to many wonderful places around the world. We have been to Bangkok, Malaysia, Pattaya, Singapore, Star cruise and Bintan (Indonesia)

The beauty of this business is that people can increase the value of their lives. People are not remembered for what they did; they are remembered for how they helped other people achieve what they want. That is the reason why we like Amway business so much. It enables you to help others make significant changes in their lives.