How Amway Works
Amway business owners can earn income and other incentives in a variety of ways. They fall under the categories of Retail Markup, Volume Rebates, Leadership Bonuses and Higher Awards and Incentives.
[hide]Retail Markup
The simplest method of generating an income is to buy products from Amway at their base wholesale price, add a markup, and sell them directly to a consumer. In general, Amway Business Owners (ABO) have the right to sell Amway-sourced products at whichever price they choose. The recommended markup on Amway manufactured products varies from 20-35%. In many markets Amway also makes available products from third-party manufacturers. The potential retail markup on these "catalogue" products is usually limited however, and they are generally made available for the personal convenience of Amway business owners rather than for resale. There are a number of exceptions to this, including XS Energy drinks and Emma Page Jewellery.
Volume rebates
In most product based businesses, the more volume you buy from your supplier, the cheaper per-unit price you receive. This means when you resell the product your potential markup (and thus profit) is higher. The same applies for Amway, however it occurs in a slightly different manner. In traditional distribution you would be required to purchase large inventories up-front and you would receive an upfront discount on the purchase price. With Amway, all authorised representatives make their initial purchase at the same price, no matter the volume. At the end of the month the total volume of products purchased through that ABO is added up, and the volume discount paid as a rebate, typically on or about the 13th of the following month. In addition, the volume is based on all products purchased, so you don't need to buy large inventory of one product to receive a discount, as is often the case in traditional distribution.
Because of the international nature of the business, the wide variety of products available, and the differing amounts of markup available to be shared on Amway manufactured products compared to third-party manufactured products, volume is calculated using a points system rather than per unit or purchasing cost. The scales varies slightly between different markets (see below). Every product is allocated a Point Value (PV) and a Business Volume (BV). The PV is used to calculate the rebate percentage earned. For most core line products (ie those manufactured by Amway), the BV is usually close to the wholesale price of the product less any sales tax. The rebate paid is calculated by multiplying the PV rebate percentage by the total BV.
Hacim indirimler
en çok ürün tabanlı işletme olarak, sizin tedarikçiden satın daha fazla hacim, daha ucuz başına birim fiyat Aldığınız. Bu ürünün potansiyel biçimlendirme (ve dolayısıyla kâr) yüksek olduğu sattığınız zaman demektir. Aynı Amway için de geçerlidir, ancak farklı bir şekilde ortaya çıkar. geleneksel dağıtım, size büyük stoklar up-front satın almak için gerekli olacak ve satın alma fiyatı üzerinde bir açık indirim alacak. Amway ile tüm yetkili temsilcileri aynı fiyata ilk satın alma olursa olsun, hacmi oluşturmak. tipik veya takip eden ayın 13. konuda ABO ile satın alınan ürünlerin toplam hacmi kadar eklenir ay ve bir indirim olarak ödenen hacim indirim, sonunda. Buna ek olarak, hacim olarak genellikle geleneksel dağıtım olduğu, böylece bir indirim almak için bir ürünün geniş envanter satın almak gerekmez satın alınan tüm ürünler dayanmaktadır.
iş, ürün mevcut ve biçimlendirme farklı miktarlarda çeşitli Amway ürünleri üçüncü taraf üretilen ürünlere göre imal paylaşılan olmak için mevcut uluslararası niteliğinden dolayı, hacim yerine birim başına düşük veya bir puan sistemi kullanılarak hesaplanır maliyet satın alma. Ölçekler farklı pazarlara (aşağıya bakın) arasında biraz değişir. Her ürün Nokta Değeri (PV) ve İş Hacmi (BV) tahsis edilir. PV indirim yüzde Kazanılan hesaplamak için kullanılır. en çekirdek hat ürünler için, BV ürünün toptan fiyat az bir satış vergisi yakın genellikle (Amway tarafından üretilen bu yani). ödenen indirim toplam BV tarafından PV indirim oranı çarpılarak hesaplanır.
Increasing Sales Volume
An ABO's sales volume consists of three components - products purchased for personal use, products sold at retail to personal clients, and products sold at wholesale to other ABOs whom they introduce to the business ("sponsor"). Increasing any of these three areas increases an ABOs total sales volume. Products sold through sponsored ABOs result in smaller profit margins than products sold directly to consumers, however the increased sales volume would normally make up for the smaller margins. This is analagous to a retail store situation where the store owner may employee additional sales people (an expense) in the hope that the increase in sales volume will offset this and lead to overall greater profits. An ABO will invest time in finding and training new ABOs as well as retail clients because the new ABOs will eventually be able to create sales volume without their sponsor's input.
Satış Hacmi Artan
Bir ABO satış hacmi üç bileşenden oluşmaktadır - kişisel müşterilerine perakende olarak satılan kişisel kullanım için satın alınan ürünler, ürünler ve ürünlerin onlar ("sponsor") iş tanıtmak diğer ABOs toptan satılıyor. Bu üç alanda herhangi Artan bir ABOs toplam satış hacmi artar. Ancak artan satış hacmi normalde küçük kenar boşlukları telafi olur, doğrudan tüketiciye satılan ürünler daha küçük kâr marjları sponsorluğunda ABOs sonucu üzerinden satılan ürünler. Bu bir perakende mağaza duruma benzer nerede mağaza sahibi olabilir satış hacmindeki artış bu ofset edeceğini ve genel fazla kar yol umut çalışanların ek satış (gider). Yeni ABOs sonunda kendi sponsor girişi olmadan satış hacmi yaratmak mümkün olacak çünkü bir ABO bulma ve eğitim yeni ABOs yanı sıra bireysel müşterilerine zaman yatırım yapacak.
The Distribution Chain
Prior to the introduction of direct fulfillment, where every ABO deals directly with the company, ABOs would purchase their products from their sponsor, who would purchase them from their sponsor and so on up until the first Direct Distributor, who would deal directly with Amway. The Direct would receive the total volume rebate back from Amway corporation and would then be responsible for distributing the volume rebates earned to their frontline distributors who would do the same for their frontline and so on. Today, most ABOs let Amway handle these logistics, ordering products directly from Amway and Amway calculating and distributing the rebates as necessary. In the FTC's investigation of Amway in the 1970's, it was reported that about half of all distributors were within 3 "levels" of Amway, more than 70% where within 4 levels and 99% within 8 levels, which is comparable to traditional distribution chains.
Rebate Scale
North American Rebate Scale
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
7,500+ | 25% |
6,000 | 23% |
4,000 | 21% |
2,500 | 18% |
1,500 | 15% |
1,000 | 12% |
600 | 9% |
300 | 6% |
100 | 3% |
Australia/New Zealand Rebate Scale
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
7,500+ | 21% |
5,000 | 18% |
3,250 | 15% |
2,500 | 12% |
1,000 | 9% |
400 | 6% |
100 | 3% |
Malaysia/Brunei/Singapore Rebate Scale
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
12,500+ | 21% |
7,500 | 18% |
4,500 | 15% |
3,000 | 12% |
1,750 | 9% |
900 | 6% |
250 | 3% |
United Kingdom, ROI, and India
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
10,000+ | 21% |
7,000 | 18% |
4,000 | 15% |
2,400 | 12% |
1,200 | 9% |
600 | 6% |
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
10,000+ | 21% |
7,000 | 18% |
4,000 | 15% |
2,000 | 12% |
1,000 | 9% |
300 | 6% |
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
1,000,000 | 21% |
600,000 | 18% |
360,000 | 15% |
180,000 | 12% |
90,000 | 9% |
30,000 | 6% |
10,000 | 3% |
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
10,000+ | 21% |
7,000 | 18% |
4,000 | 15% |
2,400 | 12% |
1,200 | 9% |
Other Markets
PV | Rebate (% of BV) |
10,000+ | 21% |
7,000 | 18% |
4,000 | 15% |
2,400 | 12% |
1,200 | 9% |
600 | 6% |
200 | 3% |
Leadership bonuses
4% leadership bonus
In traditional distribution there can come a point where one of your wholesale customers is purchasing so much volume than they'd be better of dealing directly with the wholesaler or manufacturer themselves. At this point you would generally lose them as a customer, and thus lose the associated profit. By contrast, Amway incentivises people help their downline reach this point. Historically, when a downline reached the top of the volume rebate scale, they would "break away" from their sponsoring distributor and begin dealing directly with Amway - become a "direct distributor". Rather than the sponsoring IBO losing income however, Amway would continue to pay them a 4% leadership bonus on the volume of sales generated by the "break-away" group. Even though today all IBOs may deal directly with Amway, the same principle applies. To qualify for the full 4% bonus, an upline IBO needs to have a certain amount of volume outside of the breakaway leg (typically set around the 12%-15% volume level) or at least 2 breakaway legs. If an IBO does not have this qualifying volume than some or all of the bonus will be passed upline to the first IBO who qualifies.